William A. Hobson, Horticultural Consultant

William A. Hobson
Horticultural Consultant

I have worked in the field of horticulture and natural sciences since 1967, when I first started working in retail and wholesale nurseries in high school. Education, credentials (current and former), memberships, publications, and former jobs are listed below.


M.S. Soil Science, specializing in Pedology, at U.C. Davis, March 26, 1998.
B.S. Soil and Water Science, with a Minor in Geology, at U.C. Davis, June 17, 1994.
A.A. Ornamental Horticulture, at Merritt College, Oakland California, June 7, 1974.Diploma of Graduation, San Leandro High School, San Leandro, California, June 1970.
Ten hours per year for ISA Arborist Certification #WE-2274A.
Twenty hours per year continuing education in the area of pest control in order to maintain the CA State Licenses of PCA #72266 and QAL #97592 from 1976 to 2014.
Aquatic Weed School, October 22-23, 2002, U.C. Davis, with Joe DiTomaso.
Urban Forestry Academy, August 16-29, 1999, Certificate of Training, Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute, California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo.

CA State Contractor License C-27 #379024
, Landscape Contractor continuous since 1979 Certified Arborist, International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), # WE-2274A since 1994
CA State Agricultural Pest Control Advisor License (PCA) # 72266 from 1976 to 2014

License Categories

  1. Insect. Mite and other invertebrates
  2. PlantPathogens
  3. Nematodes
  4. Vertebrate Pests
  5. Weeds
  6. Defoliation
  7. Plant Growth Regulators

CA State Qualified Applicator License (QAL) # 97592 Categories from 1994 to 2014

License Categories

B. Landscape Maintenance
C. Right-of Way
D. Plant Agriculture
E. Forest
F. Aquatic


The National Arbor Day Foundation
International Society of Arboriculture
International Society of Arboriculture, Western Chapter
Affiliate and Charter Member of Tree Lodi – an Urban Forest Foundation


Gasser, U. G., Juchler, S. J., Hobson, W. A., and Stichler, H. 1995. The fate of chromium and nickel in subalpine soils derived from serpentinite. Can. J. Soil Sci. 75: 187-195.

Hobson, W.A. and R.A. Dahlgren. 1998. Soil forming processes in vernal pools of northern California, Chico area. In C. W. Witham et al (ed.) Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Vernal Pool Ecosystems – Proceedings from a 1996 Conference. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.

Hobson, W.A. and R.A. Dahlgren. 1998. A quantitative study of pedogenesis in California vernal pool wetlands. In Quantifying Soil Hydromorphology. SSSA Special Publication no. 54. Madison, WI.

Hobson, W.A. and R.A. Dahlgren. 2001. Chapter 11B. Wetland soils of basins and depressions: case studies of vernal pools. In J.L. Richardson and M.J. Vepraskas (ed.) Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscape and Classification. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL.

Coates, D.A., Hobson, W.A., McFadin, B. and Wilder, C. 2002. Mattole River Watershed, Technical Support Document for the Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment and Temperature. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. Santa Rosa, CA.

Woodhouse, C., Hobson, W.A. and Wilder C. 2004. Upper Lost River Watershed, Technical Support Document for the Total Maximum Daily Loads for Temperature and Nutrients, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coast Region. Santa Rosa, CA.

O’Geen, A.T., Hobson, W.A., Dahlgren, R.A. and Kelley, D.B. 2008. Evaluation of soil properties and hydric soil indicators for vernal pool catenas in California. SSSAJ: Vol.72: No.3: 727-740.


Nurseryman – retail and wholesale – San Leandro, Fremont, Alameda Chief Grounds Keeper – Claremont Country Club – Oakland Landscape Gardener – East Bay Municipal Utility District – Oakland Logger – choker setter – Cape Pole, Alaska

Landscape and Tree Contractor and Consultant – San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area Production Home Building – Fairfield, Vacaville
Research Scientist – Soil Science and Biogeochemistry- U.C. Davis
Arborist – City of Lodi

Environmental Scientist – State of California – DWR, State and Regional Water Boards Arborist – City of Stockton
Agricultural Technician – Insect Trapping – San Joaquin County Ag. Dept.
Utility Arborist – ACRT, Inc – Central California